Exporter version: 6.4.2, Blender version: 2.83.0 ========= Conversion from Blender to Babylon.js ========= Scene settings used : Inline textures : false Material Type : PBR Positions Precision : 4 Normals Precision : 3 UVs Precision : 3 Vert Color Precision: 3 Mat Weight Precision: 2 Keep Z-up r-handed : no Texture directory : /home/webmadman/ppt/webmadman2019/babylon/ Python World class constructor completed processing begun of camera (UniversalCamera): Camera processing begun of mesh: texturedMesh.001 processing begun of material: TextureAtlas_1001.001 processing texture texture_1001 texture type: diffuseTexture, mapped using: "UVMap" num positions : 237678 num normals : 237678 num tangents : 0 num uvs : 475356 num uvs2 : 0 num colors : 0 num triangles : 79271 processing begun of light (POINT): Light ========= Writing of JSON file started ========= writing mesh: texturedMesh.001 ========= Writing of JSON file completed ========= ========= end of processing ========= elapsed time: 0 min, 11.4019 secs