I was invited to this really cool thing happening in Bancroft called Discovery Time! It was a snowy day in February the first time I visited. And Amy Doole was there to show folks how to make things with clay. She had lots of things on hand for people to use. Even a potters wheel. All the folks on hand listened intently while she explained what to do. It was a treat to watch participants creations come to life. Amy, like the other instructors in the Discovery Time project, really got into showing folks how to find their own vision. During my next visit, Lesley Eden was teaching knitting. She even checked back a few weeks later to help Karen with a project she had started on her own- Karen definitely found an interest and talent she maight not have otherwise discovered otherwise. And she wasn't the only one- with the wide variety of mediums offered over the course of Discovery Time, participants were able to gain hands on experience in making a range of crafted items. Such as a number of approaches to working with acrylic paint- like stenciling and masking... and cold wax painting! Motivations varied, but the sure joy and pride excuded by the proud creators is infectious! The instructors shared their expertise and participants learned so much. Like block printing... and soap making... And even making jewelry. I also heard that there was a talk on Creative Entrepreneurship- so maybe you will see some of these great handcrafted items for sale somewhere near you!